A Glimpse at Paris

We're totally going to talk Paris. About how all alone in the city of love & lights, I was rarely alone. It's a conversation and a half, and it's headed your way in a jiff. "Why not now?" 8 AM classes, homeskillets. Like whose gameplan was that? Don't remind me.

Let's do pics...it's a total mellow Tuesday move.

IMG_6272 copy

{ best friend A & I casually strolling near Le Tour Eiffel}


{The Lumineers concert in Paris!}


{Macarons from the master himself, Pierre Hermé}


{Locks of Love & Cathedrale Notre Dame}

IMG_6251 {place de la république à paris}

Now who wants to go to an 8 AM class?

...That's what I thought.
