2011 in Review
/Before getting into resolutions and the like, let’s chat about 2011. For now, let’s stick to the light-hearted stuff… and maybe tomorrow, the more serious.
A shortlist of the BIG things that happened in 2011:
- Started blogging!
- Applied to 9 top-tier colleges in what was one of the most nerve-racking processes of my entire life!
- Had my heart set on attending the University of Notre Dame
- Ended up being accepted to Georgetown University and made the hard decision to go there instead (an amazing decision in retrospect!)
- Graduated from high school as a valedictorian
- Finished my term as editor-in-chief of the newspaper that meant everything to me and held a BOMB 80-person brunch to celebrate it
- Attended and completed a Georgetown preorientation program called Leadership & Beyond (L&B)during August, during which I met ~30 amazing people that have sincerely changed my life and shaped my college experience
- Met my roommate, Helen, who became one of my best friends!
- Became incredibly close to 3 other friends via L&B, without whom I can’t imagine life now
- Finished my first semester in college (and somehow pulled of an A- in calculus…whatup!)
- Came back to the West Coast for Christmas and began blogging again
- Got my wisdom teeth pulled
- Realized that I learned more about myself this year than the last 17 years of my life
- Ate tons of delicious food.
Riiiiiiight, the food. Let’s take a brief glimpse at that, shall we?
5 minute Banana Bread Rice Pudding
Angel Hair Pasta with Gorgonzola
Cheezy Portabello Steak with Angela’s Creamy Avocado Pasta
THE BEST Banana Bread
Golden Cornmeal & Blueberry Muffins
Mom’s Best Carrot Cake
Chocolate-Covered Katie’s Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Oatmeal
Whoa, I had a lot more food to share than expected. To be continued in the a.m. along with a possible recipe! For now, it’s back to icing the cheeks for this chipmunk