Living the Dream
/You would 100% laugh at me, if you knew how many times I've tried to write this blog post.
And whereas many people might cite feeling at a loss for words, my dilemma is rather opposite. The number of things I want to share is approximately infinity...times 10. But I haven't made a peep since this post. Why?
The long answer: I haven't quite figured out how to say everything in a way that makes sense without you staring at me like I'm talking 'bout aliens. I procrastinate on things I want to do because I'm forever in search of perfect timing.
Clutch answers, all around. Let's break this bizness down.
a) Summer at Google: {a.k.a.} The best way I could've possibly imagined spending the last 3 months. b) My upcoming 3-month stay in France: {a.k.a.} A dream that found its way into the reality pile.
Life Gone BOLD - Summer 2013: I still can't really believe it. That sounds all sorts of cliché, but for me, it's absolutely true. The past three months have felt like a dream, and even now, I have to pinch myself to make sure I didn't imagine everything.
This past month has been filled to the brim with adventures both at Google and beyond. From Laguna Beach to San Francisco. From San Jose to Mountain View. From Santa Cruz to North Beach. From Lower Haight to Union Square. From Lake Tahoe to Napa to Marin County. From the Bay to Golden Gate Park to the office and back.
In its entirety, the summer was amazing, but the last 12 weeks ended in a bang that caught me wildly and wonderfully off guard. It clicked. With work and with friends, the pieces fell into place. What place?
A place for which Google Maps has no directions. A place of natural fit, of rhythmic stride, and of truly incandescent happiness.
My internship ended roughly 1 week ago now. But summing up my entire summer as simply an "internship" leaves much unseen. There was work and plenty of it. Oh my lanta, in the last few weeks, I believe I ate, slept, and breathed my work. But unlike most other 'work,' I've done in life, every ounce of effort and thought-wrangling was of my own choosing. I wanted to be there. I learned about security. I learned that charm goes a long way. I learned that making a friend is far more valuable to me than "networking."
I learned that the phrase "Follow the leader" is a total double entendre. I learned that no plans are too big. I learned that solutions are only possible if you've wrestled in the mud with the problem. I learned that there is beauty in iteration and perfection in uncertainty. I learned that the only thing I know certainly is that I certainly don't know everything. I learned that it really is all about the people.
That barely scratches the surface, but I'll spare you nitty gritty deets. For those who have asked, "Well, what happens now?"
Life happens now. And I couldn't say for sure, but it's looking like life is the game plan for tomorrow too.
Tits, man: What really happens now? Okay, okay you got me. Life really is happening now. And that inception is all sorts of batshiz cray. But tomorrow I leave at the ungodly hour of 4 a.m. to spend three months living in Nantes, France. I'll be studying abroad at the university there, taking classes all in French, and living with a host family. Currently, I'm what may only be defined as a "hot mess." Surrounded by a smattering of iced coffee, bathing suits, and boots that are made for walkin'. And me, you don't wanna know.
We'll chat about France soon. If you're worried that's an empty promise, rest assured there's hope. I have a 28-hour series of planes, trains, and automobiles in front of me. And what will we do now?
Just keep on living the dream.